In September 2018, Justin joined the Fish Factory. Originally from Burnley in Lancashire, he studied at Blackburn School of Art, eventually moving to Margaret Street, Birmingham to continue his honours, pursuing his professional career and finally finding himself in Penryn only eight weeks ago! An artist in the realm of sound, Justin describes his work as “emotional phonic architecture,” experimenting with the very fabric of sound and how this relates to psychological processes such as memory. A sound innovator, Justin is exploring micro movement and behaviour which has the potential to completely govern physicality and mentality.
Justin’s work also extends to the influence of night-time and nature, by interrogating how such factors can influence corporeal and ethereal responses from humans. Justin doesn’t limit himself to a favourite media and instead focuses on what compliments the “conceptual weight of the work,” to fully explore the possibilities of his art. Describing the Fish Factory as an artistic space for “incubation,” he enjoys the fact he is surrounded by opportunities and challenges which allows for creative development.
With fierce creativity, Justin planned a project called “Internal Garden,” where meter signals from plants will be transferred into sounds and vibrations; this will be accompanied by poets and musicians, responding to the botanical-electrical impulses to create live music and poetry. Although he has only been here for a short while, Justin has arrived at the Fish Factory with a resounding boom.